Jim Jordan Weighs In On Comey’s Sloppy Investigation Of Hillary Clinton’s Email
According to National Review, after being pressed by former top Bill Clinton political aide George Stephanopoulos on ABC News, James Comey admitted that he had “screwed up a couple of things.”
The former FBI director wasn’t talking about his failure to notify then–president-elect Donald Trump that unsubstantiated rumors paid for by his political opponents were helping fuel the creation of a special counsel. No, Comey was admitting that he had made mistakes regarding the 2016 investigation of Hillary Clinton. And no, he wasn’t begrudgingly apologizing for failing to recommend criminal charges against the candidate.
In fact, to-date, Comey maintains he has no clue who paid for the bogus Dossier despite mounting evidence that it was the Clinton party.
As Written By With The Western Journal:
In the ABC News interview, Comey frames Clinton’s handling of classified information as merely “sloppy” — not even “extreme sloppiness” and being “extremely careless” were illegal, he claims.
But this was not the entirety of Comey’s framing in July 2016, when he stated, “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.” Carelessness was not the reason to avoid recommending charges; the inability to prove criminal intent.
The idea that she would send unsecured classified documents through that server for years because of carelessness — according to Comey, Clinton transmitted 110 emails containing clearly marked classified information; 36 email chains contained secret information, and eight chains contained top secret information — is absurd.
The idea that Clinton and her staff would then attempt to destroy all the evidence related to that server — they “cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery,” as Comey put it — is plain silly.
It is far more plausible that the FBI director believed he was insulating the future president from criminal charges, as well as preserving his reputation by being tough on her.