John Kelly: You’d Never Leave The House If You Knew What I Know About Terrorism

John Kelly, Secretary of Homeland Security, appeared on Fox & Friends and made a bold claim, saying that if Americans knew what he knows about terrorist threats we’d never leave the house.

Kelly said, “It’s nonstop. The good news is, for us in America, we have amazing people protecting us every day, DHS, obviously, FBI, fighting the away game is DOD Department of Defense, CIA, NSA, working with these incredible allies we have in Europe and around the world. But it can happen almost here anytime.”

He further stated, “I was telling Steve on the way in here if he knew what I knew about terrorism, he’d never leave the house in the morning. But the good news is again we have the finest men and woman in uniform, out of uniform, police officers, local law enforcement New York City cops protecting us.”

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