Congress may have trouble getting information from the Deep State, but Judicial Watch certainly doesn’t. Their president, Tom Fitton will be appearing before the House today to discuss Clinton’s pay-to-play State Department, and he has the emails to back it up.
He has example after example of Hillary granting favors to large donors to the Clinton Foundation. If you don’t believe Hillary was running an influence-peddling operation, please explain why after she lost the 2016 election donations dried up almost completely. Right now, there is a grand jury empaneled to determine if charges are warranted.
The grand jury has issued indictments currently under seal.
Clinton Foundation under investigation — I will testify to Congress this week on behalf of @JudicialWatch. We broke the Clinton Foundation "pay to play" scandal wide open — glad Congress finally following our lead.
— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 11, 2018
On Monday, President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton announced he will be testifying on Capitol Hill this week on the Clinton Foundation pay-to-play scandal which includes Uranium One.
“I’ll be testifying on behalf of Judicial Watch later this week to the House Oversight Subcommittee on Government Operations about the Clinton Foundation issue,” Tom Fitton said.
“Judicial Watch broke open this scandal with Freedom of Information Act emails showing that the Clinton Foundation donors were receiving special favors and treatment from the Clinton State Department,” Fitton said, adding, “This controversy also includes the infamous Uranium One Scandal.”
The very idea that Russia was trying to buy off Donald Trump is ridiculous for two reasons. Number one, Trump has been trying to build a hotel in Russia since the early 1990s, with no success. And secondly, why would they buy off Trump, when they already owned Hillary Clinton? She and the family foundation received 145 million dollars right after the Uranium One deal was finalized. Then, a bank with close ties to the Kremlin paid Bill Clinton a half million dollars for a 20-minute speech.
Judicial Watch has uncovered many emails proving Clinton Foundation pay-to-play while Hillary was the head of the Department of State.
In April, Judicial Watch released 281 pages of newly discovered emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private server.
Prior to the Obama administration approving the very controversial deal in 2010 giving Russia 20% of America’s Uranium, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin, reported John Solomon last October.