Matt Walsh’s PROOF Trump Colluded With Russia!

HAHA man I really like Matt Walsh and this is freaking HILARIOUS! Watch the whole thing and let us know what you think in the comments below!

As written for TheBlaze by Matt Walsh:

Matt Walsh has finally done what even MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow couldn’t do — he has found indisputable evidence that President Donald Trump colluded with the Russians to win the election. It was in our faces the whole time; Matt just had to connect the dots!

Through a series of ingenious and improbable connections, Matt went so far down the rabbit hole that he ended up in Queensland, Australia. Even though the footage of Trump “wrestling” the CNN logo sent him to counseling for three days, it was worth it to help him find the ultimate, incontrovertible truth of Not His President’s deception.

Matt Walsh: I have incontrovertible evidence Trump colluded with Russia

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