Maxine Gives Obama Credit For Top American Achievement – But It Was All Trump

Mad Maxine strikes again! It seems the Democratic Congresswoman from California has made yet another audacious claim. This time she is claiming that that former President Barack Obama — and not the current President Donald Trump — deserves credit for the significant upswing in the economy we are enjoying.

Recently, President Trump touted the U.S. gross domestic product hitting 4.1% during the second quarter for the very first time since 2014, also adding that the nation as a whole is on track to achieve the highest GDP the nation has seen in 13 years.

For the very first time in the entirety of United States history, there are officially more jobs than there are unemployed Americans, as President Trump also pointed out unemployment claims are at their absolute lowest since 1969. Meanwhile, unemployment rates among African-Africans, Hispanics, and Asians reached the lowest levels ever recorded.

Yet as her prior history would demonstrate Waters seems to have a significant problem with facts. In a recent interview on MSNBC, Waters was asked about the impressive numbers cited by President Trump.

Waters stated in response – “Of course, the economy has improved, and of course he would like to take credit for all of that. “But in the final analysis when this country understands and feels what has been done with the tax scam and what that’s going to do for our deficit in this country, it’s going to be reversed.”

She then stepped further into delusional territory with the wild claim that President Trump’s economic policies would ultimately “undermine” the good work of the Obama administration.

According to The Daily Caller – “’Of course, the economy has improved, and of course, he would like to take credit for all of that,’ Waters told MSNBC’s David Gura. ‘But in the final analysis, when this country understands and feels what has been done with the tax scam and what that’s going to do for our deficit in this country, it’s going to be reversed. A combination of the tax scam and the tariffs will undermine all that has been done in the economy that was started by Obama.’

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