MH370 researcher Noel O’Gara, who has spent five years studying the plane’s disappearance, said all the evidence points to the Malaysian government knowing its final movements.
He told Daily Star Online authorities would have kept tabs on MH370 from the moment it vanished from radar and would have been well placed to remove the wreckage.
Noel believes the plane may have been hijacked, leading to its downing.
This would have happened over the Indian Ocean when the plane turned back over the Andaman Islands and appeared to head back towards Kuala Lumpur, it’s claimed.
Noel explained if the plane had been shot down in a rush-of-blood on the orders of the Malaysian government when they believed they were preventing a catastrophic terror attack, it would make sense that they would wish to cover up their mistake.
“Most likely MH370 is still lying on the sea bed in that area of the Indian Ocean,” he said.
“Unless the Malaysian government recovered it later.”
Speaking about this extraordinary theory, Noel said Malaysian authorities could have had the time, means and motive to move the wreckage.
Noel said: “Of course this is speculation, but it’s founded on the facts that the three sets of witnesses saw it go down — and despite the biggest search ever in the most likely places — it was never found.
“It’s also supported by the flaperon — the most vulnerable part in a crash landing — and also a few other parts found off East Africa believed to be from MH370.”
He said Malaysian authorities would have been tracking the plane from the moment a problem was noticed.
“If MH370 went into a catastrophic break-up or crash for any reason other than a criminal takeover by either a pilot or a passenger hijacker it would have been spotted,” he said.
“It would be radar tracked, red alert calls made and an area of the sea covered in debris that would be located within hours based on the known tracking by radar.
“So it’s extremely unlikely the government wouldn’t have known the plane’s final coordinates and have been in a position to deploy the Navy to recover the plane.”
Noel also pointed to various alleged eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen MH370.
One of those, Malaysian housewife, Raja Dalelah Raja Latife, said she saw the plane on the surface of the ocean.returning from the pilgrimage in Mecca.
Speaking to Malaysian newspaper The Star: “It looked like an airplane.”
She went on: “I took a closer look and was shocked to see what looked like the tail and wing of an aircraft on the water.”
The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 set off on its doomed voyage from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, China on March 8, 2014, at 12.41am local time.
But barely an hour into the flight, it lost contact with air traffic control over the South China Sea while crossing between Malaysian and Vietnamese airspace.