Mike Rowe Says What All Americans Need To Hear

Patriot Mike Rowe appeared with Tucker Carlson and took the state of the American work ethic. Which of course I blame young, brainwashed, liberals for… but who cares what I have to say, right?

“Look, the best-selling books right now in the self-help section and in general claim to have the solution for how you can work less,” Rowe explained. “Most of the commercials on TV ask a tacit question, you know, how could you be happier? And the answer, of course, is retire a little sooner or work 35 instead of 40 hours.”

“What you said is the business of working has an underlying inherent value to it,” Rowe told The Daily Caller co-founder. “I do believe deeply that’s 100 percent true.”

“If there is one enduring lesson from Dirty Jobs, it’s the fact that those people as a group are having a better time and were more connected to their work than the vast majority of people I know who make great white collar livings,” he asserted. “It’s just an inconvenient truth, if you will pardon the bromide, but it’s out there and there is a lot of hope in it.”

From Mike Rowe:

Today, Mike runs the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, which awards scholarships to students pursuing a career in the skilled trades. He is closely associated with the Future Farmers of America, Skills USA, and the Boy Scouts of America, who honored him as a Distinguished Eagle Scout.

For reasons he cannot explain, Forbes identified Mike as one of the country’s 10 Most Trustworthy Celebrities in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

In addition to his foundation, Mike’s website, mikeroweWORKS.org, focuses on all the issues related to the widening skills gap, aging workforce, high unemployment and millions of unfilled jobs.

It also provides comprehensive resources for anyone looking to explore those vocations,  as well as continue to focus the country on the real dilemmas facing our trade workers, miners and farmers.

Mike’s show, “Somebody’s Gotta Do It” debuted October 8, 2014 on CNN.  From CNN’s press room blog: Rowe’s series Somebody’s Gotta Do It, brings viewers face-to-face with men and women who march to the beat of a different drum.

In each episode, Rowe visits unique individuals and joins them in their respective undertakings, paying tribute to innovators, do-gooders, entrepreneurs, collectors, fanatics–people who simply have to do it. This show is about passion, purpose, and occasionally, hobbies that get a little out of hand. 

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