(Gateway Pundit) – At least they didn’t cut her mic.
Dr. Qanta Ahmed went on CNN to discuss the horrific mosque shooting on Friday. During the discussion, she was asked about how this administration is viewed in the Muslim world. Dr. Ahmed defended the Trump administration and told the CNN host how Muslims in Oman, Iraq, Egypt, etc loved the Trump administration.
Dr. Qanta Ahmed: You should know this president and this administration is often castigated as Islamophobic, but I move in the Muslim world, in Egypt, in Oman, in Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan, where this president is beloved. This president and the Republican Party going back to George Bush is very dearly held.
CNN quickly cut the segment and moved on.
Via Jack Posobiec:
Take it away, good doctor:
“One thing the viewers should know, this president and this administration is often castigated as Islamophobic, but I move in the Muslim world — in Egypt, in Oman, in Jordan, in Iraqi Kurdistan — where this president is beloved. This president and the Republican Party going back to George Bush is very dearly held. Today is the anniversary of Halabja, the massacre of 180,000 Kurds at the hands of Saddam Hussein. That only change would [be] because of a Republican president. So it is very important not to lose so much perspective that we start believing our entire government is Islamophobic. That is not the case.”
Qanta also spoke reason into the madness of blame for the Christchurch, New Zealand massacre on Donald J. (here, here, and here):
“I did see his very categorical condemnation of the events in New Zealand and that was gratifying. … There is nothing — the president has no responsibility if a fanatic mentions him in a manifesto. A fanatic could equally mention me. So I don’t think that is his responsibility.”
She also threw CNN a bone via her desire for Trump to be more outspoken about white supremacy:
“[I] also feel that he needs to [condemn] white supremacy, not only the United States, but globally. … [I] would like to see President Trump condemn all forms of lethal bigotry.”