Napolitano Drops The Hammer On Comey n Friends!

Judge Napolitano, the man who took on the case, tossed some tough questions out to Comey and friends. Specifically, he addressed the team of Russians who are said to have attempted to influence the election via social media.

Ya see, Napolitano specifically blames James Comey, directly, for failing to stop the interference in the first place and made sure to point out it was all done on Obama’s watch.

He further commented that this sort of behavior from the Russians has been going on since at least 2014. If you ask me, it wasn’t so much interference as it was them trying to make a buck, but I guess I could be wrong on that.

What do you think? Do you think the Russians had an actual effect on the election or is this all for show? Shoutout in the comments below and let us know your thoughts on the matter!

As Written and Reported By Nick Givas for the Daily Caller:

Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano blamed former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey for failing to stop Russian election interference and said it all occurred on former President Barack Obama’s watch.

“The NSA is so thorough in it’s listening to conversations and capturing emails. Why didn’t they capture this,” Napolitano asked. “Why didn’t the FBI know about what was going on? If you know, Jim Comey, that this is happening — why don’t you stop it?!”

“This happened on Obama’s watch,” he said.

Napolitano also said the interference had been occurring since at least 2014 and thinks it may still be going on. “This went on from 2014 to 2017. It was never stopped. For all we know it’s still going on now,” he concluded….

KEEP READING THERE IS WAY MORE HERE: Napolitano On Comey And Russia Meddling | The Daily Caller

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