Devin Nunes, the man behind the release of the FISA Abuse memo, has come out swinging against how things have been handled in regards to that memo, as according to him we have evidence, REAL EVIDENCE, that Clinton and the DNC colluded with Russia.
“We have a media that pretty much refuses to cover this issue at all. We have serious abuses that occurred in the FISA court against the Trump campaign,” Nunes said. “We continue to get facts. We will bring those facts forward as we see them.”
“I welcome anybody to come help investigate because so far it’s only the House Intelligence Committee Republicans who are actually doing anything to get to the bottom of who was colluding with Russia,” he concluded. “The more we peel this back, we have clear evidence of collusion but it’s not between the Trump campaign, it’s between the Democratic party and the Hillary campaign and the Russians.”
As reported by NPR:
The memo also has shed more light on the broader Russia case and confirmed or advanced other aspects of the story beyond the GOP’s campaign against the FBI and Department of Justice.
The publication of the memo followed a bruising fight in Washington, deepened a nasty public dispute between the White House and its own FBI and Justice Department, and even sparked rumors of potential firings — or resignations — among senior law enforcement officials.
In the document, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and his staff detail findings that they say “raise concerns with the legitimacy and legality of certain [Justice Department] and FBI interactions with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.”
Those findings, the memo says, “represent a troubling breakdown of legal processes established to protect the American people from abuses related to the FISA process.”
The document alleges that the FBI and Justice Department relied on the unverified Russia dossiercompiled by a former British spy, Christopher Steele, to obtain court approval for surveillance on former Trump campaign foreign policy aide Carter Page.