Nunes Reveals the #1 Reason Why DOJ is Stalling in Turning Over #Spygate Documents

Rep. Devin Nunes blew the lid off the Democrats desperate plans to obstruct, when he appeared on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” saying that the reason the DOJ was stalling in turning over documents to Congress, is because they’re hoping the Democrats win the House majority.

Let that sink in.

President Trump’s DOJ is hoping for a Democrat victory.

From Breitbart

On this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) said the Department of Justice was stalling turning over documents to Congress with the hopes that the Democrats win the majority in the House of Representatives and shut down the investigations.

Nunes said, “I’ve seen this game played many times before. There is a stall game going on at DOJ and FBI. They are trying to stall as much as they can, hoping and betting that Republicans would lose the House in the fall. If that happens, it essentially shutdowns everything. Rod Rosenstein wouldn’t be held for contempt. FBI will not be held accountable. All of the investigations will be shut down, everything will be buried, and you will be left with media narratives saying ‘Oh, what the public can’t read, what’s blackout is what’s really bad stuff against Carter Page and the Republicans and the Trump campaign.’ That’s why the sooner the president declassifies, the better. The American people need to understand how important it will be to get out and vote in the election.”

On the efforts to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Nunes said, “What I can tell you is there was a move late last week to begin impeachment. I think there are grounds for impeachment and we should hold them accountable. Congress has given them way too much power.”

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