NYPD Pilots Left Huge Message In Sky For Boss Letting Him Know What They Think Of Him

Five pilots from the NYPD sure gave people quite a laugh after they left a massive message in the sky during what was perceived as a fued with their boss and a protest involving conditions that may not have been safe to fly in. The message was detected on flight-tracking software and supervisors notified the boss, Aviation Unit head Inspecter James Coan, according to the New York Post.

What was the message? It was a giant penis. The pilots flew their planes in the shape of a giant penis and the shape/pattern appeared on the flight-tracking program. Many might have laughed, but the pilots faced consequences for what they did.

What was the pilot’s reasoning for doing this? They were protesting unsafe flying conditions as they questioned if the federally-funded plane was safe to fly at low altitudes over water. They were reportedly concerned about crashing into the ocean if a propeller stopped working. Hopefully, they achieved safer flying conditions for pilots after them.

Five New York Police pilots who were feuding with their boss flew a $4 million counter-surveillance plane in a giant penis-shaped route in a bid to troll him. The phallic flight pattern showed up on the NYPD’s tracking system back in March when the pilots opted to protest against Aviation Unit head Inspector James Coan, the New York Post reports.

Supervisors monitoring the flight-tracking software immediately alerted Coan when they noticed the penis shape. Two of the pilots were removed from the unit as a result and the others disciplined after a departmental hearing. The pilots staged the protest after they questioned whether the federally-funded plane was safe to fly over water at low altitude.

They were concerned about crashing into the ocean if a propeller happened to blow. The pilots said they were ordered to start carrying out the flights in July last year.

Coan reportedly increased the number of runs in March.


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