The question begs to be asked just WHY that was the case considering it occurred some 11 years prior to the “end of the Cold War” in 1991. It cannot be overstated, Brennan quite literally voted for the Communist Party to take power in the United States of America, which is the complete antithesis of everything this country is supposed to stand for and Obama believed THIS man above all others was fit to obtain security clearance and lead one of America’s foremost intelligence agencies.
Even the mainstream media saw through Brennan with the Washington Post calling for Brennan to be fired in 2014 when Brennan was asked whether the CIA had illegally accessed Senate Intelligence Committee staff computers “to thwart an investigation by the committee into” the agency’s past interrogation techniques. Many have also speculated that Brennan was the main architect of the investigation into the fictional collusion between Russia and President Trump, and the Trump administration.
Yet many are attempting to defend Brennan attempting to paint him as some sort of “patriot” since President Trump chose to revoke his security clearance, including former advisor and spokesman for Obama, Ben Rhodes. Rhodes took to social media to reminiscence and extol the virtues of Obama and Brennan, giving the pair all the credit for “killing Osama bin Laden.” Except Navy Seal, Rob O’Neill was not having any of it in a firey response they will not soon forget.
Recall that O’Neill is the Navy Seal credited with delivering the fatal shots that killed Osama bin Laden, and he clearly did not appreciate his own work putting life and limb on the line being credited to Obama’s henchmen for political purposes. Please note that military personnel referred to Osama bin Laden “UBL” which stands for his full name Usama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Ladin.
O’Neill is clearly no fan of the Democratic Party and this is a widely known fact.
O’Neill was quick to correct Rhodes, tweeting in response – “Actually, @brhodes, 23 conservatives went after UBL. No offense, in case you were wondering.”
Actually, @brhodes , 23 conservatives went after UBL. No offense, in case you were wondering.
— Robert J. O'Neill (@mchooyah) August 15, 2018
O’Neill summed up his opinions up best on his website stating – “During my military career, I was fortunate to serve with the best of the best — people I found to be so much better than me. I pushed myself every day to be every bit as good as they were. Most of those I worked with felt the same way, and together we accomplished some amazing things.
Sen. @RandPaul on former CIA Director John Brennan: "I think he should have had his clearance revoked for cause. He leaked information." @IngrahamAngle
— Fox News (@FoxNews) August 17, 2018