Officers Body Cam Captures Incriminating Evidence

I’ll say it… crap like this gives good cops a bad name! This officer in Baltimore planted drugs at a crime scene and his own body cam caught it! The defendant too was scheduled to face trial just this week.

And now the defendant’s attorney is already warning his colleagues to request disclosure of the officers IAD records if any of their own defendants dealt with the officers at the scene.

As written for The Daily Wire by Hank Berrin:

A Baltimore officer was caught on his own body cam apparently placing drugs at the scene of a crime; the defendant in that case was scheduled to face trial on the charges this week.

The officer was accompanied by two other officers at the time. He looked as if he left a bag of pills under some garbage in an alley, then walked back out to the street. But unbeknownst to him, his body cam was activated before he placed the drugs.

As Justin Fenton, crime reporter for the Baltimore Sun, reported, the public defender for the city warned other city defense attorneys that if they had a case dependent on any of the three officers, they should request disclosure of their IAD records.

This Baltimore Cop Apparently Planted Drugs. His Own Body Cam Caught Him.

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