Sarah Palin, former Alaska Governor and once presidential hopeful, has decided to weigh in on the Bill O’Reilly sexual harassment claims that forced the him out of Fox News.
“Corporate culture there obviously has to change. You know, women don’t deserve – they should not ever have to put up with any kind of intimidating workspace,” Palin told CNN.
She further stated that women facing sexual harassment in the workplace should speak out and not stay in hostile conditions such as that.
“If a woman believes that she is being intimidated and harassed, she needs to stand up and do something about it, not stick around for a paycheck for years and years and years, and then after the fact complain about what she went through,” Palin said.
However, in 2015, Palin said she was fired as retribution for “calling somebody out.” “Some things happened that I haven’t talked about publicly … things like getting canned from a job I really liked, kind of, sort of out of the blue, because I called somebody out,” Palin told CBN. “It was a shock, but more power to Fox News – it’s private enterprise. They can fire somebody for wearing the wrong color of tie that day.”