Pelosi Makes the Most OUTRAGEOUS Statement to Date

Nancy Pelosi believes that she and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer are the “voices for winning” back the majorities for both the House and the Senate during this year’s midterm elections… HA!

As written for by David Rutz:

In an interview with KTVU anchor Ken Wayne published Tuesday, Pelosi discussed the Democratic Party’s hopes of taking back the majority from the Republicans. The GOP has held the House since 2010 and the Senate since 2014.

Pelosi said the situation was similar to the preconditions to Democrats taking back the chambers in 2006, the second midterm of George W. Bush’s presidency. Historically, the party of the incumbent president struggles in midterms; Barack Obama’s Democrats suffered brutal losses in 2010 and 2014, and Bush’s Republicans in 2006 took a “thumping,” as Bush put it.

“We’re the voices, the Senate leader and I are the voices for winning those races in [the] House and the Senate, and we’re ready,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi: Schumer and I Are ‘The Voices for Winning’ Back Congress

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