President Trump Dished Out Plates Of Food To Hundreds Of Victims, But Guess Who Paid For It

Editor’s Note: This was a popular story when it originally ran, but now has an interesting update that ties into it. We decided that our readers would want to know how this relates to a concerning event that the mainstream media will not report. We’re re-posting the original story for your enjoyment and the update for your needed information.

Freedom Outpost reports an update of how this story ties into a concerning event from the prior administration:

How about two whole new scandals for the Clinton Family and their foundation?

We’ve already heard about the Clinton foundation’s Haiti corruption over the last few weeks. The foundation was caught promising to help the people of Haiti, and instead used the money to line their own corrupt pockets.

Now there are two new scandals for Hillary Clinton to answer for…

First, the former president of the Haitian Senate, Bernard Sansaricq, dropped a bombshell during a recent Donald Trump campaign event. Mr. Sansaricq told Mr. Trump that he had the documentation to prove that the Clintons tried to bribe him in an effort to get his support for the Clinton foundation’s work to defraud the people of Haiti.

Sansaricq explained that he became president of the Senate in 1994, a year during which the Clinton presidency attempted to oust the oppressive military regime in Haiti by threat of invasion.

Sansaricq said that in order to try to “appease” him at the time, Clinton sent Bill Richardson, a former U.S. Representative of New Mexico.

A week later, the American embassy sent an anonymous messenger back to Sansaricq, who allegedly told him that if he “sided” with Bill Clinton in the invasion, he would become “the richest man in Haiti.”

Sansaricq said he declined the offer because he “loves [his] country.” He added that a week later, by executive order, President Clinton revoked his visa.

Attempting to bribe a foreign politician who also says that her foundation defrauded his people of BILLIONS of dollars would be a pretty serious charge for most people, but for Hillary Clinton, it’s just a Monday.

The second potential scandal that is percolating as we start the week also focuses on the Clintons’ bribing Haitian politicians. However, this corruption comes from 2011 when it seemed the CIA was considering revoking the U.S. visa of the Haitian Prime Minister. The only problem? Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive was a dear friend and business partner of the Clinton family, and revoking his visa could cause problems with their work and their income.

On Jan. 27, 2011, Clinton Foundation Chief Operating Officer Laura Graham sent an email to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff Cheryl Mills, voicing concern about a rumor. Ms. Graham had heard that Foggy Bottom was thinking about revoking the U.S. visa of Haitian Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive. “Wjc will be v unhappy if that’s the case,” Ms. Graham warned Ms. Mills, using the initials of the former president.

Ms. Graham, who was also chief of staff to Mr. Clinton at the foundation, had other reasons to worry: “I’m also staying at [Mr. Bellerive’s] house fyi so exposure in general and this weekend in particular for wjc on this.”

So Clinton Foundation staff was hobnobbing with a powerful Haitian politician and using connections at the State Department to try to influence U.S. policy decisions involving that same politician. That’s unethical and it is also contrary to what Mrs. Clinton promised when she went before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January 2009 as president-elect Barack Obama’s secretary of state nominee.

I probably don’t have to tell you that Mr. Bellerive got to keep his visa and Ms. Graham didn’t get kicked out of his house that weekend. The Wall Street Journal goes on to explain that Mr. Bellerive and the Clintons made a lot of money by working together to milk Haiti for all they could.

In fact, the pair made millions “helping” Haiti recover from the devastating 2010 earthquake (Haiti still hasn’t recovered), and the Clinton-Bellerive team also did something astounding in 2012 when they scored some sweet gold-mining permits for Hillary Clinton’s younger brother, Tony Rodham. (He got two gold-mining permits, even though Haiti hadn’t given ANY gold-mining permits to anyone else in over 50 years.) Thankfully, the Haitian Senate raised enough of a stink about the obvious corruption that the mining permits have been placed on hold.

The stench of corruption follows the Clintons everywhere they go, and for good reason… they are CORRUPT.

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