President Trump Did Not Want Spicer To Resign

Sean Spicer has decided to step down as the White House press secretary stated this past week with Sean Hannity that President Donald Trump did not want him to resign and that his decision to leave is entirely his own.

“From what I understand, and all the reports are, the president didn’t want you to go. Tell us what happened,” Hannity said. “He didn’t,” Spicer asserted. “He’s been very gracious throughout this process.”

“He wanted to bring some new folks in to help rev up the communications operation and after reflection my decision was to recommend to the president that I give Anthony and Sarah a clean slate to start from so they can talk about the president’s agenda and help move it forward,” he continued.

“[Trump], after some back and forth, understood the the offer I was making was something that was in the best interest of this administration,” Spicer explained. “I thanked him for the opportunity, and I’m looking forward to watching Anthony and Sarah do a tremendous job.”

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