If you have nothing to hide, then why give the impression that you’re hiding something? One would assume that there would be an earnest attempt to do the opposite. Transparency is essential to erasing doubt and skepticism.
If you don’t want people to be skeptical and question the truthfulness of a story, then tell the truth, the whole truth. As soon as the mainstream media begins to distort stories and provide only limited facts, it automatically makes smart people question the accuracy of the reporting.
But law enforcement should hold itself to an even higher standard. NBC News had to whitewash an initial report about the break-in and assault of Paul Pelosi. The husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was smacked on the head with a hammer.
The whole ordeal is horrific. No one would wish such a terrible thing to happen to anyone. Nevertheless, the mainstream media ignited a firestorm of controversy. The NBC story alleged that there was a third person involved.
Other accounts had a casual Paul Pelosi opening the door for authorities. This made little sense if the assailant had broken into the home. And then there was the suspicious time frame of the incident. A lot of stuff about this so-called break-in doesn’t add up.
Reports say that David DePape and Paul Pelosi were in the house together for upwards of a half an hour. If this is true, what in the world was going on during this 30-minute interval? But then there’s the refusal by prosecutors to release bodycam surveillance footage.
Every time a police officer does anything in the arrest of a minority person, the radical mainstream media seize on that bodycam footage. They’ll plaster even the most inconclusive video all over the airwaves.
Why is everyone so “hush-hush” about what happened at Pelosi’s house? Is there something they’re not telling us? Would the truth steal an opportunity for the left to paint this as some kind of radical right-wing attack on the Speaker?
The left has jumped on this opportunity, despite the fact that DePape is an obviously mentally unhinged nutcase. He’s illegally in the country and harbors more far-left views than Democrats want to acknowledge. This fellow flew a BLM flag at his homeless encampment.
One Mission Local journalist described DePape as a “former Castro nudist protester.” The guy’s a Marxist. According to an ex-girlfriend, the deranged Canadian national spent a year telling everyone “he was Jesus.” That’s about as left-wing radical as you can get.
But that hasn’t stopped liberals from going maniacal over this attack. We can only suppose that the bodycam footage is going to reveal something they don’t want people to see. Again, why hide something unless it harms your bogus narrative?
The only evidence of any substance that authorities have released is that Pelosi snuck off to the bathroom to call 911. The 82-year-old spoke to the dispatcher in what was referred to as “code.” That’s a little suspicious in its own right.
The police report also indicated that there was a hammer. DePape took the hammer away from Pelosi and bonked him on the head with it. Why did Pelosi have the hammer? Was there ever a struggle for the hammer prior to DePape using it to seriously injure Paul Pelosi?
Where did the hammer come from? Did DePape bring it with him? Why did the police say Pelosi answered the door, but not indicate there was any sense of emergency? Furthermore, after opening the door for the police, why did Pelosi walk back over to his attacker?
If you don’t want people to ask questions about an obviously bizarre event, then be transparent. Transparency is critical to preventing half-baked conspiracy theories from gaining a foothold. The Pelosi break-in was a strange event.
There are many unanswered questions. One of them is: Why is law enforcement seemingly hiding critical evidence that could answer many of these questions? When these types of cover-ups happen, people begin to smell a rat. This thing smells like a rat-infested sewer!