Protesters Storm the Atlanta HQ of CNN [Video]

We’re all getting pretty tired of fake news and now the people are starting to speak up! Today, more than 150 people protested outside the CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia to voice their opinions and disgust with the news organization and their handling of what they call “news”, especially against President Donald Trump.

Many signs were seen including “FNN #FakeNewsNetwork” as well as many others, all targeted toward the network and what many are starting to call “the spreading of fake news”. Protesters even began chanting “CNN FAKE NEWS!” in front of the building’s logo.

“We are standing up and fighting back against the real damage that CNN is doing to this country today,” Brian Maloney with the Media Equalizer told Breitbart News. “There are real victims of their smear campaigns … they have an entire team of smear merchants employed for the express purpose of deny this current President any appointees or nominees whatsoever.”

“[Americans’] lives are being destroyed when they are unfairly smeared and targeted, falsely accused of plagiarism, and everything else that has been going on,” Maloney said.

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