The convicted woman is led out before a crowd in broad daylight and beheaded in the middle of a lot.
A Myanmar woman was beheaded in the middle of the street after her husband accused her of killing their 7-year-old daughter. The woman is heard screaming over and over that she was innocent.
In Saudi Arabia innocence isn’t sufficient to save you from Sharia Law and besides, it’s cheaper than divorce.
The Israel Video Network:
In this graphic video taken in Saudi Arabia near the city of Mecca, a woman is punished for having committed what her husband alleges is the murder of his 7-year-old daughter.
The convicted woman is led out before a crowd in broad daylight and beheaded in the middle of a lot.
It is unknown whether or not she was afforded due process during her defense, but the Saudi justice system is typically discriminatory against female defendants.
Are these savages people that can be reasoned with?
We’ll probably never know, neither will they, if she was truly innocent. But it seems to be a somewhat common them there, guilty first – pass judgment.
Aren’t you glad you live in the land of the free now? I know I sure am.
And make no mistake… this is probably pretty freaking common over there — heck maybe both sides of the coin, you know? I read up on it quite a bit and sometimes it’s just too much to take in.
What do you think? Do you think she was guilty or innocent?