Rep. Gohmert Drops a Label on the Migrant Caravan That’ll Leave the Media in SHOCK

Rep Louie Gohmert appeared on Fox News, where he talked about the migrant caravan inching closer to our Southern border.

Gohmert called the caravan an “invasion,” and said it must be stopped. He went on to say that no one should be allowed in on “asylum” claims unless they have filed for asylum at a U.S. embassy in their home country.

via American Thinker:

Who’s financing the Honduras migrant caravan of illegal immigrants, with as many as 10,000 snaking their way into illegally entering the U.S.?

Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas has a sensible suggestion for finding out: using the RICO statutes.  According to the Washington Examiner, citing Fox News, Gohmert said:

We have got to have the DOJ investigate where the funding is coming from to send these thousands and thousands of people to the U.S. … You can use RICO to go after them.

The question, which the incurious media show no sign of wanting to answer, is worth asking, given the expense the taxpayers will be saddled with as thousands of them openly climb over border fences, dare border officials to fire on them to stop them, worm their way in through asylum legal maneuvering, or put up big sob stories with photos of mothers and crying children as a means to get in and get the benefit packages.  It’s a certainty that quite a few will get in, unless President Trump can be genuinely effective at stopping them, and right now that’s not a certainty.

Who is it?  Is it Soros, the hedge fund leftist billionaire of chaos who vowed to shell out $500 million for migrants a few years back?  Democrats, the same people who had tens of millions to pay for a fake dossier in a bid to win an election and who have lately been struggling to win the Latino vote?  Or is it, as I suspect, Chavista Venezuelan oil money, given the Chavistas’ stated desire to flood America with indigent migrants (which has been around as a threat ever since Hugo Chávez taunted the U.S. over is border in the 2000s) as a means of spreading its revolution northward?  The Chavista ties of the caravan’s front-group organizers, Pueblo Sin Fronteras, as well as its known Chavez-supporting Honduran ringleaders, are rather obvious.

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