Rep Gowdy SLAMS Mainstream Media!

Trey Gowdy appeared on Fox & Friends and says that mainstream media’s coverage of Justin Bieber cancelling his tour or tour dates is getting more coverage than than former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch telling former FBI Director James Comey to call the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information on a private email server a “matter” is the reason why Democrats get away with criminal activity.

“[T]here’s been more coverage of Justin Bieber canceling his tour than there has been Loretta Lynch talking to Jim Comey about whether it’s investigation or matter. It breaks my heart, what’s left of it as prosecutor, to see the justice system politicized, criminalized or held up in subject to election cycles. I have a lot higher expectations for our justice department,” Gowdy stated.

I wonder if Gowdy is stating that mainstream media is doing this on purpose? Would they be covering the story fully were it an investigation into the GOP ?

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