Disgruntled Roseanne Barr was recently seen sporting some attire that ended up going a little more viral than she expected. The actress who was kicked off her own show for a tweet about Valerie Jarrett, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Planet of the Apes has turned her career upside down, spiraling into the land of irrelevance and bitterness.
Many believe she was wrongly fired because her tweet was about the physical look of Valerie Jarrett and specifically (from my observation) an obvious similarity to Helena Bonham Carter’s character in one of the “ape” movies. Pair that with the fact that Jarrett is very light-skinned and Roseanne’s tweet now just seems like she’s cracking jokes at Jarrett’s appearance, not race. Sure, it was a mean tweet, but not something she should be fired for.
Regardless, she’s now being seen in public on occasion and when she’s not hanging out in an airport wearing sweatpants, then she’s seen with her latest pro-Trump attire. Trump 2020 that is! At this point, there would be no turning back for Roseanne.
There cannot simply be a way that she ever supports the Democratic Party whose liberal whiners have essentially turned brash and crude humor into a pile of flaming politically incorrect careers. Every time someone says something that’s not nice, they’re now being persecuted for it. What happened to the days when people had a spine and they could take a joke? It seems like the generation coming up is weak, soft, and the liberals, in general, are unable to handle people like Roseanne.
There used to be this thing where if you didn’t like someone, then you didn’t pay attention to them. Nowadays people who don’t like you will pay more attention to you and then complain about you.
Doesn’t it make sense to simply ignore the celebrities and things that one dislikes? You would think that’s how it worked, but if you’re a liberal then you need attention and your life seems to be focused on whining about what people are doing and taking part in lame social justice activity. In other words, no one likes you and you’re mad about it, so you congregate with other people who no one likes and all cry together by complaining about people like Roseanne who’s always been a little bit on the rude side, but it’s like she’s not allowed to be herself anymore.