Russian Hooker Admits She Lied About Trump to Get Mueller to Spring Her From Prison

A Russian hooker, who was in prison for prostitution in Thailand, claimed that she had proof of Trump/Russia collusion. She has now been sprung from prison and returned to Russia, and she admitted that she made the whole story up in order to get Robert Mueller to spring her from prison. She claimed that Trump had colluded with Oleg Deripaska, which is ridiculous since Deripaska was working with the FBI. But, once freed, she owned up to the hoax. Nastya Rybka was arrested on her return to Russia and appeared in court where she apologized for the hoax. She told the judge that she was just trying to find a way to get out of the Thai prison.

From The Gateway Pundit

Rybka apparently suggested that she could provide the FBI data on Trump-Russian collusion.

She played the deep state.

The pair gained notoriety recently when they successfully entrapped Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko with alleged evidence of corruption while on board Deripaska’s yacht off the Norwegian coast. Rybka advertises herself as an ‘oligarch pickup artist’ and was trained by Leslie for a year before attempting the sting.

In a desperate attempt at freedom, Rybka offered ‘Russian collusion information’ on Donald Trump to the FBI in exchange for help getting out of prison. Russian news outlet RIA Novoste reported both will be tried and deported, along with a possible $3,000 fine.

On Friday Rybka apologized to the court and to Russian tycoon Oleg Deripaska for making up a story to tell Robert Mueller and the FBI.

It was all a lie to get out of jail.

Of course, ALL of the Fake News liberal media fell for the nonsense. Rybka’s claims made headlines on CNN last year.

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