Sarah Sanders Didn’t Hold Back On Backstabbing Omarosa In DC Airport

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was once again seen at the airport and given a surprise interview about the whole Omarosa Manigault saga. This time it involved Omarosa’s controversial new book, “Unhinged.” As always Secretary Sanders had no issue speaking her mind.

Update America is now reporting that TMZ ran into Sanders and asked her for her feeling towards “UNHINGED,” the book in which Omarosa makes a number of explosive and unverified claims about President Donald Trump saying the word “N*****” on the set of The Apprentice. Sanders Replied, “I think it’s sad, the person that gave her the greatest opportunity; she showed who she is and that’s a totally disloyal individual, I think it’s sad.”

Sanders is 100% correct. President Trump gave her the opportunity of a lifetime. Who amongst us can say they worked in the White House, next to the president and got to have a front seat to history? It’s something reserved for only a few lucky souls. Many people I know, including myself would give anything to have the opportunity to work just once alongside the President of the United States of America, no matter what party that president is from.

Here is more via WBAL:

President Donald Trump lashed out at Omarosa Manigault Newman on Monday, saying his former White House adviser — who is promoting a tell-all book and airing secret audio recordings —“got fired for the last time.”

On Twitter, Trump labeled Manigault Newman “wacky” and said Chief of Staff John Kelly called her a “loser & nothing but problems.” He added: “I told him to try working it out, if possible, because she only said GREAT things about me – until she got fired!”

Trump’s pushback came after Manigault Newman released another recording Monday. Aired on NBC’s “Today” show, it is purportedly an excerpt of a phone conversation between Trump and her after she was fired from the White House. It appears to show Trump expressing surprise, saying “nobody even told me about it.”

On Sunday, Manigault Newman told NBC’s “Meet the Press” that she surreptitiously recorded a number of conversations in the White House for her own protection. The show aired portions of a recording of her firing by Kelly in the high-security Situation Room.

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