President Trump’s Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is forthright and to the point. In an impromptu interview as she was headed inside, she fielded some tough questions from reporters. As hard as they tried to frame a question in the worst possible light, the harder she hit back.
I really enjoyed Sean Spicer in this roll but Sanders is in a league all her own. She handles the press briefing exactly how we the people want… and in accordance with why we elected Donald Trump President.
Here, she takes on a question about Trump being a racist and just knocks it out of the park. You will enjoy the factual way she responded and even cut to the bone on Senator Chuck Schumer. Watch and enjoy.
As Written and Reported By Benny Johnson for the Daily Caller:
The media has asked the question “is Trump a racist?” without pause since Democratic lawmakers leaked POTUS’ controversial “s***hole” comments.
Trump has denied the comments, along with multiple GOP senators who were in the room, and Sarah Sanders apparently took out her frustration over having to repeatedly answer the same question Tuesday morning.
On her way into the White House Tuesday morning, Sarah Sanders was asked point blank by reporters about the alleged remarks. Sanders said that Trump used “strong language” in his conversation with lawmakers and then tore into Democrat lawmakers for politicizing the comments:
It’s a sad day for our country. They’re willing to throw away the progress and negotiations and not make big steps that we need to happen, whether it’s funding our military, supporting our government or making a deal on DACA, which they say is a huge priority, something they want to do………
Sarah Sanders Savages The Hypocrisy Of Democr | The Daily Caller