SC Woman Found Bound Inside Container; Rescued From A Serial Killer

Kala Brown was a living victim of South Carolina serial killer Todd Kohlhepp and hundreds of records were recently made public, including that of Kala.

This is the video of Brown being rescued by law enforcement. She was locked inside a metal storage container on Kohlhepp’s property. As they approached her they passed by cases of bottled water and Brown in a makeshift bed with a large chain around her neck.

“My neck’s attached to the wall,” Brown told officers.

They informed her they were getting bolt cutters and one officers asks about her boyfriend, Charles David Carver. Kohlhepp had shot Carver three times in the chest, killing him, and wrapped his body in a tarp.

Kohlhepp plead guilty to the killing of seven people in upstate South Carolina and chaining Brown inside the storage container. He was sentenced to 7 consecutive life sentences plus 60 more years for offenses that included kidnapping and sexual assault.

Kohlhepp led investigators to a shallow grave on the same land where Carver’s body was buried after Brown was found. He also lead investigators to the location where he buried the bodies of husband and wife Johnny and Meagan Coxie, who disappeared from Spartanburg in December 2015.

Kohlhepp also confessed to the Superbike Motorsports killings in Chesnee. The 2003 killings of Superbike workers Scott Ponder, Beverly Guy, Brian Lucas and Chris Sherbert were unsolved until Kohlhepp confessed to them last fall.

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