Was Scaramucci Treated Like a Criminal on Last Day in The White House?

Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was escorted out of the White House following a tense exchange with new chief of staff John Kelly, sources tell political analyst April Ryan.

As reported by Breitbart:

According to a CBS News report, Scaramucci had “previously bragged that he would report directly to the president rather than the chief of staff.”

President Donald Trump named Scaramucci to be the White House’s communications director on July 21, and he seemed overwhelmed, making numerous blunders during his first week on the job that were huge red flags for Trump’s administration, as Breitbart News reported.

Scaramucci capped off his roller-coaster week with an outrageous interview to the left-wing New Yorker in which he ripped former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus with F-bombs and accused White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon of giving himself blowjobs.

On Monday morning, hours before he was axed, Scaramucci had a 15 percent approval rating just a week after the debut of his “The Scaramucci Show.” Jon Cohen, Survey Monkey’s chief research officer, released the results of Survey Monkey’s online poll that was taken Thursday though Sunday to Axios.

Liberals loved reading about Scaramucci’s trashing of his co-workers, though, as the New Yorker article is reportedly the left-wing site’s most-read piece of the year.

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