A school district in Galesburg, IL is implementing a policy that I think many of you will recognize right away.
In an email that was sent out to School District 205 staff members were certain to find a shock. Here is what they found in the letter.
“Dear District 205 staff member:
I am writing to you today to make you aware of an option that is now available if you are fully vaccinated against Covid-19. We have purchased ID badges that are yellow for those who wish to be easily identified as having received their full vaccination. If you would like to change your ID from white to yellow, please present your proof of vaccination at the District Office and we will provide you with a new ID.”
Does this at all sound familiar? Does this not sound like the yellow Star of David that Jews had to wear during the Holocaust?
As of right now, this policy is only for staff and not students, but don’t think that this wouldn’t be the next step. It always starts in little steps. Do you think Hitler just seized control of everything and everyone overnight? No, it was a process. Do you think that we’ve gotten to where we are as a country that celebrates all of the perverse desires of the wicked hearts of leftists overnight? Absolutely not. This has been decades in the making.
I’ve said it before, but one thing that the left does right is that they take every inch you give them in order to get their way. If you give them an inch, they’ll take it and hold on to it for years until you give them one more. Then again, and again until they have the upper hand.
They honestly have the upper hand right now. How do I know this? Just look at who is president despite a “potentially” fraudulent election.