School District Institutes Policy More Racist Than Segregation

The left simply has to be oblivious to what is good in the world. They can’t possibly be this ignorant.

I know it’s been a while since I’ve discussed issues with the government-run public school system, but let me just remind you that it’s toxic, as I’m about to demonstrate once more.

In Washington, a school district voted in favor of a policy that is completely discriminatory. There isn’t any doubt about that.

Before I get too further into this, let me first define racism. Racism is when someone is given a preference based on their race, whether good or harmful.

So, if I decide to not serve you at a restaurant because you’re black or Asian, that’s racist. If I decide to hire you for a job because you’re Native American or Indian, that’s racist. Making decisions based on race, is racist. The color of someone’s skin has no effect on anything in life concerning us. If I’m a black man, or a white man, or an Asian man, it makes absolutely no difference to you reading this article because I’m just doing a job and my skin tone plays no role in the way that I think or type.

Your upbringing may play a big role in the way that you think, but your skin tone does not.

Well, this school district in Washington that I mentioned has approved a policy to discipline students differently based on their race.

According to The Daily Wire,

On March 14, the Clover Park School District board approved the policy in a 3-2 vote. “The district in the suburbs of Tacoma will now use ‘culturally responsive discipline’ that encourages school staff to impose disciplinary policies that ‘may be adapted to individual student needs in a culturally responsive manner,” The Daily Mail reported, adding, “Critics say the new approach is in effect a race-based disciplinary policy that will encourage harsher or lighter punishments based on a student’s race, with white students being disciplined more severely.”

KTTH host Jason Rantz wrote, “The Clover Park School District debated its new ‘culturally responsive’ student discipline policy. It means student discipline would not be consistent based on conduct. Instead, a school considers a student’s race and background. It would likely offer harsher punishments to white students, even if the conduct is identical to that of a Black or Hispanic student.”

Here we are faced with yet one more reason to remove your children from the public school system. This may not be at your school yet, but as I always say, don’t think that it couldn’t happen. It used to not be a policy at this school either. Things change and the more we continue to allow liberals into the public school system to indoctrinate our children with lies, the worse our country will be.

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