Sean Spicer Zings Press Over Michael Flynn Vetting

Democrats and media outlets are still in search of SOMETHING to tie POTUS Trump’s administration to the Russians. Their latest attempt involves GEn. Michael Flynn, Trump’s short-loved national security advisor.

Flynn resigned after having served around three weeks when it was discovered that he misled V.P. Mike Pence about communications he had with the Russian ambassador…

Since then, it’s been reported that the Def. Department’s Inspector General had reported that, in 2015, Flynn did accept funds from news outlet, Russia Today.

Spicer replied that Flynn’s career military status required that he maintain a high level security clearance.

“His clearance was last reissued by the Obama administration in 2016 with full knowledge of his activities in 2015,” he continued.

Boom! He got Spiced! Go take it up with the guy accepting $400,000 Wall Street speaking engagements.

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