Secret Service On High Alert After What Sick Celeb Just Did To Trump On Air Force One

Fox News reported: “During the podcast, Melendez played audio of his call to the White House switchboard, where he claimed he needed to talk to the president immediately about pending legislation. He reached several White House operators before being told the president would call him back. According to the comedian, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner returned the call, connecting him to Trump. “Hi, Bob!” the voice identified as Trump is heard saying as he picks up the phone, apparently from Air Force One. He referenced last year’s mistrial in the high-profile bribery case against Menendez, indicating he sympathized with the Democratic senator’s case. “Congratulations on everything,” he said.

“We’re proud of you. Congratulations. Great job. You went through a tough, tough situation. And I don’t think a very fair situation, but congratulations.” The pair also discussed issues from illegal immigration to the replacement of Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. Trump told Melendez that he was planning to make a decision “over the next two weeks.” On his Twitter account, Melendez blasted Trump for allegedly being more concerned with going after him than the staffers responsible for the botch. “Alright I guess Donald is more concerned with pursuing this legally as opposed as to firing his screening staff,” he tweeted.”

While the New York Post reported: “But the comedian told a different tale to The Post, admitting he wasn’t in when the alleged visit happened. “I got home and two kids who are my neighbors were saying, ‘Hey there were two guys in suits claiming they were from the Secret Service knocking at your door,’ ” said Melendez exclusively told The Post Saturday. “They showed the kids their badges.” He said he hid inside his house around 11 p.m. when someone knocked again, assuming it was Secret Service making a second visit. The radio personality reached President Trump on Air Force One by impersonating New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez, and recorded the Wednesday exchange for his podcast.

Now, he says, he’s nervous. “I’m looking out my door every minute and I’m getting different attorneys,” he said over the phone from his California home. “I don’t know if someone is trying to play a prank on me or what.” “I have Avenatti on speed dial right now,” he added, referring to Stormy Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti. The comic tapped the attorney in case Trump pursues legal action against him for the prank. “You would think that the last thing Mr. Trump would want to do right now is go after some comedian that punked him,” Avenatti tweeted Saturday. “That would permit inquiry by John into the buffoonery that allowed it to happen. Admit you are an amateur and focus on reuniting the children you separated.”

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