Snowden Claims to Have Been in Contact with President Obama’s White House

“I never expected to be pardoned by President Obama,” Snowden said on Tuesday.

Edward Snowden, NSA leaker, stated that Intel he has from contacts he had within the White House during Obama’s presidency, “we’ve come to understand that Obama was personally wounded as a result of these disclosures”, which made Snowden seek asylum outside of the country.

This revelation was brought to light during a Q&A with Snowden during his keynote address at an Estoril Conference.

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Snowden also addressed the notion of President Obama pardoning him. Based on communications he had with Obama’s White House and those in the former president’s orbit, Snowden realized he would not receive a pardon because the information Snowden leaked significantly damaged Obama’s legacy.

It had long been speculated, leading up to Obama’s final hours in office, that he would grant Snowden an 11th-hour pardon.

Snowden, however, disputed this notion saying, “I don’t think it was a likely case. I’m not even sure it was a possible case, because the president himself was the one most personally embarrassed by these disclosures.”

“[Obama] campaigned in 2007…on the platform of saying he would end exactly this kind of warrantless mass surveillance,” Snowden continued. “In secret, instead of ending this programs, he entrenched them and expanded them. He made their reach greater, he made their use more common, he normalized what had been an unlawful and unpopular program of the George Bush administration and made it a new American tradition.”

“Being exposed in that way was extremely damaging for [Obama’s] legacy on the civil liberties side,” he added.

“It would be an admission of wrongdoing if [Obama] were to use his pardon powers,” Snowden concluded.

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