From The Daily Mail: “Booker, in his ‘Spartacus’ moment that was later mocked, said last week he would release confidential documents the Senate Judiciary Committee received on the nominee, which turned out to have already been made public.
“One of those documents was a 2002 Kavanaugh email with the subject line ‘racial profiling’ that includes internal White House discussions about whether airport security and other law enforcement should strive for a ‘race-neutral’ system in the wake of the September 11 attacks.
“Kavanaugh had referenced a possible interim policy and wrote ‘the people (such as you and I) who generally favor effective security measures that are race-neutral DO need to grapple – and grapple now – with the interim question of what to do before a truly effective and comprehensive race-neutral system is implemented.’”
On that day 17 years ago, we all swore: “Never again!” We linked arms and were one as a nation. Since that time we have become the most divided we have been since the Civil War. And we are so politically correct that we have hamstrung ourselves and can’t even name who the enemy really is. Not to mention fighting the enemies within that we face here at home – you just heard Haros name a couple of them.
WATCH: Son of 9/11 victim goes off script to slam Democrats and the media for using the terror attacks for "political theater."
"Please stop using the bones and ashes of our loved ones as props in your political theater."
— Amber Athey (@amber_athey) September 11, 2018
After reading his list of names aloud in remembrance and paying tribute to his late mother, Haros proceeded to rip into Democrats Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Cory Booker and a member of the media for using the 9/11 victims as “props.” Good for him, because that’s exactly what they are doing.
“And one more thing, if I may,” Haros said as the music started that indicated his talking time was about to end. Suddenly everyone was all ears and at attention.
“This year, a representative of the House referred to our loss as just another incident. This year, a network commentator said the president’s performance in Helsinki was a traitorous act as was 9/11,” Haros asserted. “And last week, a senator attacked a Supreme Court nominee and called him a racist for alleged comments after 9/11.”
“Stop. Stop,” he begged. “Please stop using the bones and ashes of our loved ones as props in your political theater. Their lives, sacrifices, and deaths are worth so much more. Let’s not trivialize them or us. It hurts.” Yes, it hurts like a knife through your heart and these political opportunists should be deeply ashamed of themselves.