Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Promiscuity with Men at Pride Event – Then Blames Government After Catching Monkeypox and Gonorrhea

George Soros is an evil person. The autocratic multi-billionaire is a liberal fanatic who uses his massive wealth to create a new world order. George Soros is the puppet master who controls the vast majority of the radical progressive left.

He donates money to the campaigns of liberal prosecutors to get them elected. Once in office, these left-wing clowns undermine the rule of law. Chaos ensues and great cities start to crumble from within. Soros was highly instrumental in getting Barack Obama elected twice.

President Trump is like an archenemy to the evil Soros. Through George Soros’ underhanded influence, a financial market collapsed in two days. Soros has pumped money into the pockets of dangerous ideologues in an effort to upend governments. He has been successful.

The corrupt multi-billionaire has been quoted as saying, “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States of America.” The opposite side of that would be that the obstacle to a peaceful world rooted in free democracies would be George Soros.

George Soros is a bad man, a very bad man. But even those he employs are terrible people. They are like hired henchmen. Sebastian Köhn is one of these very bad people. Köhn is the current Division Director for Signature Initiatives at Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Köhn specializes in public health. He shared some creepy revelations about a recent New York City Gay Pride event. Köhn told the Guardian about how he had s*x with multiple men at the event. As a result, he caught both monkeypox and gonorrhea.

But instead of accepting responsibility for his deviant lifestyle, the Soros puppet blames the system. How ironic it is that a person who engages in bizarre s*xual acts thinks it’s everyone else’s fault when he catches a dangerous disease because of his behavior.

Köhn even admitted to being aware of the dangerous risk he was taking, considering the recent monkeypox epidemic. He went on to accuse New York City of doing a bad job of testing. Normal heteros*xual people find it bizarre to have s*x with multiple partners in a single weekend.

The word “sl*t” comes to mind. However, the left won’t show pity for these people if they catch a s*xually transmitted disease. But in perfect “blame everyone else” liberal form, this George Soros executive cast blame on everyone else for his strange s*xual behavior.

These people just look for someone to condemn. According to the Gateway Pundit, New York City is home to more than 30 percent of the current monkeypox cases. It’s no secret. This weirdo chose to cast caution to the wind and fulfill his bizarre s*xual needs.

In all honesty, many people probably think he got just what he deserved. But at the heart of this story is the weird ideology of Sebastian Köhn. He’s an irresponsible do-boy. These types of strange people serve George Soros. They’re all creepy. But most of all, they’re dangerous.

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