Stormy Demands Trump Resignation In This Latest “Skit”

Stormy Daniels, the porn star who claims to have had an extra-marital sexual encounter with President Trump, appeared in a cameo role on “Saturday Night Live.”

Stormy appearance begins at 5:45

The set-up in the cold opening had Trump’s personal lawyer, with actor Ben Stiller reprising the role, giving the porn star a call with the intention of having Trump listen in silently. However, the call quickly went off the rails when Trump, played by Alec Baldwin, kicked Cohen off the call.

“C’mon Stormy, stop making such a big deal about this. It’s just an act,” Baldwin’s Trump said.

“I work in adult films, we’re not really known for our acting.” Daniels shot back.


The skit follows a tumultuous week for Trump, during which his new lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, revealed that Trump reimbursed Cohen for the $130,000 hush money payment he made to Daniels during the 2016 election. Trump previously had said he had no knowledge of the payment, and since that bombshell interview Trump defended himself from concerns about campaign finance violations by arguing that the monthly retainer he gave Cohen was completely separate from the campaign. Giuliani walked back his statements, saying in a statement Friday he was speaking from his understanding of matters concerning the president, rather than his understanding of Trump’s knowledge.

Daniels is in the middle of a legal battle with Trump to free herself from the non-disclosure agreement she signed that bars her from discussing her alleged affair with Trump more than a decade ago. She has also sued both Trump and Cohen for defamation in connection to the case.

Baldwin asked if there was anything he could do in order to make the controversy go away by “solving us,” to which Daniels replied that it’s too late.

“I know you don’t believe in climate change, but a storm’s a-coming baby,” she said.

“I’ve never been so scared and so horny at the same time,” Baldwin said in response before the pair broke off and queued the opening credits.


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