Republicans have long sought to remove the highly left-leaning 9th Circuit as they seemingly have a lot of power to stop good things in it’s tracks
POTUS Trump has upped the ante with his battle with the federal appears court (the 9th circuit) stating this week that he “absolutely” has considered proposals to break up the San-Fran-based 9th Circuit. Trump made these comments in a recent interview with The Washington Examiner and his complains are on the heels of the appeals court continuously blocking his orders.
Trump accused his opponents of “judge shopping,” and told the Examiner they “immediately run to the 9th Circuit.” While giving a nod to congressional proposals to split up the appeals court into smaller parts.
“There are many people that want to break up the 9th Circuit. It’s outrageous,” Trump said.
Newt’s been on board for this for quite some time. Here’s a throwback for you on Newt speaking about just that. A man, with all his flaws, who is still a great thinker about conservative values in a day when image usually counts for more than substance.