Ted Cruz Gives Rousing Speech At Atlanta NRA Event 2017

Ted Cruz made an appearance today at the NRA event in Atlanta and it was great! He spoke on the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy, stating it may be a chance for gun-rights activists to fight on issues by summer.

“I believe very soon we’re going to see another vacancy,” Mr. Cruz told attendees at the National Rifle Association lobbying arm’s “Leadership Forum” in Atlanta.

“I think the odds are significant that we’ll see another vacancy either this summer or next summer,” he said.

“This next vacancy, I hope and pray that President Trump continues to honor his promise to nominate principled constitutionalist[s] who will ferociously defend the Bill of Rights.

“And when that happens, it will be incumbent on all of us — each and every one of us — to inform, to educate, to mobilize the American people that the only way we defend our liberties is if we stand up and fight to protect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution,” he said.


Mr. Cruz, who was Mr. Trump’s top rival for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, had made a similar prediction about a looming vacancy earlier this year at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

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