Ted Cruz OWNS Lib News Show On Firearm Debate

Ted Cruz, for some reason, appeared on “Morning Joe” this morning and talked about the Second Amendment… and it didn’t go the way Joe Scarborough had hoped, stating: “I don’t need you to lecture me on what the Supreme Court does and doesn’t do.” 

So you know better than anyone. You know what the Second Amendment says,” said Scarborough.

“I don’t know better than anyone but I know what the Second Amendment says,” said Cruz.

“But you were involved with Heller, weren’t you?” asked Scarborough.

“I represented 31 states in Heller,” responded Cruz.

Check out the whole interview below:

“So you know, at least where it stands right now, Scalia said that Second Amendment means people have a right to keep and bear arms in their homes. They have a right to have handguns in their home, they have a right to have shotguns in their home,” Scarborough stated.

“People didn’t just say in their home, by the way. The home is not a qualifier,” said Cruz

“But, if you go from 2008 and the decision in 2010 all the way through now, obviously the Supreme Court has denied time and time again for limitations on assault-style weapons, for limitations on carry, for limitations on just about everything. But what you and others successfully argued in Heller,” continued Scarborough

“Remember, Heller was about a semi-automatic handgun which they said the Second Amendment protected and the District of Columbia couldn’t ban,” Cruz said.

“But you know though that every American doesn’t have a constitutional Second Amendment right to carry an AR-15. Yes or no?” asked Scarborough.

Things went on then Scarborough got really uppity:

“I don’t need you to lecture me on what the Supreme Court does and doesn’t do. If the Supreme Court denies time and time again, and they have since 2010, and they have allowed Connecticut’s laws to stand in place that actually ban assault-style weapons right now the court is sitting back and they are allowing that to remain in place and allowing that. That is constitutional right now. There is not a constitutional right, and you know it, and you can talk down to me all you want to, but you know there is not a constitutional–,” said Scarborough.

“Who is talking down to whom? You say lawyers are rolling their eyes at me, I mean let’s be clear,” said Cruz.

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