According to Patriot Journal the billboard reads, “ABC News: I grew up with you. We are through. The Russians didn’t elect Donald Trump. I did.”
Perfect! And the best part of this whole thing is if you actually take the time to try to access the twitter picture you find this. It appears the billboard has upset the Twitter overseers!
In a statement to San Antonio Texas’ NBC affiliate, Courtney said, “ABC News was the only channel I watched as a child growing up in Texas but I think they have lost touch with America and forgotten the working man,” Courtney then had an awesome takedown of the media by accusing them of acting in coordination with the Hillary Clinton campaign during the 2016 presidential election.
“Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign was funded by the Clinton Foundation in close coordination with the media, and now we’re seeing them try to fix what they couldn’t fix during the election,” Courtney said. “They are doing everything they can, night after night, to create narratives and sway people’s direction to impeach Donald Trump.”
Here is more on Cronkite via Accuracy in Media: “It is wrong to speak ill of the dead. On the other hand, it is an insult to the intelligence of the American people to pretend that Walter Cronkite was the “voice of God” and “universally credible,” as Mara Liasson put it on Fox News Sunday. The terrible truth is that Walter Cronkite symbolized liberal media bias and used that bias with disastrous consequences for our nation and the world. His latest cause was world government and the destruction of American sovereignty.
We found out after his retirement that he was not only a liberal, which was evident from his broadcasts, but a one-worlder. In appearances before the World Federalist Association, which favors world government financed by global taxes, he called for the U.S. to renounce “some of its sovereignty” and pass a series of United Nations treaties-many of which are now being pushed in the Senate by President Barack Obama. Cronkite called for an “international Liberty Bell.”