The Case Against Christopher Steele is a Slam Dunk

Rep Devin Nunes wants to know why there are no charges pending against Christopher Steele for lying to the FBI, a case that Nunes says is a slam dunk.  Rep. Devin Nunes joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the ongoing case of Democrats colluding with Russia.

It’s a scandal that makes Watergate look like a kindergarten prank. The width and depth of the corruption is breathtaking. Nunes told Bartiromo that his committee is about to release another memo that will cover Christopher Steele and the second dossier supplied to the FBI from Steele who got the information from Hillary’s hatchet man Sidney Blumenthal.

Rep. Devin Nunes: The good thing about the Grassley-Graham memo, not only was it a criminal referral to Justice, it was written before our memo was put together. So essentially what it does is it corroborates what we said. And it goes further than that and it really points out how Christopher Steele lied to the FBI. So it is a clear-cut case. Christopher Steele lied to the FBI.

And I can’t for the life of me know that when you have the House who said this guy lied to the FBI, and you have the Senate who said this guy lied to the FBI, Christopher Steele, what is the Justice Department doing?

Where is the prosecution of Christopher Steele? This is a slam dunk case that they have all the documents. And this is what makes people really wonder and have confidence that the DOJ and FBI are playing this straight up.

As reported by The Telegraph:

Devin Nunes, a Republican congressman from the farmlands of central California, is dominating international headlines thanks to his high-profile role in one of the congressional investigations that have embroiled Donald Trump’s White House.

Last month, he held back-to-back news conferences to discuss typically secret information about US spy agencies intercepting communications of people on Mr Trump’s team.

A week ago he made headlines again by admitting he went to the White House grounds to review intelligence reports and meet the secret source behind his claim that communications involving Trump associates were caught up in “incidental” surveillance.

On Thursday April 6 Mr Nunes said he would temporarily step aside from Russia probe after accusations were filed against him by left-wing activist groups with the office of congressional ethics.

Mr Nunes said the charges were false and politically motivated, but it was in the best interest of the committee to have GOP congressman Mike Conaway of Texas temporarily take charge of the committee’s investigation.

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