‘Migrants’ Treat War Memorial Like It’s Their Personal Pool, Watch What Happens When Told To Leave

A Twitter user posted this:


Although it is not clear when the video was taken, viewers can hear the question being asked of the alleged “migrants” wading and swimming in the waters.

“You know this is a memorial for the soldiers, right?” they are asked, but don’t appear to get it.

Dozens of adults and children are seen in the video as they use the memorial as a personal escape from the heat, ignoring the sign that bans the exact activity.

You would think the Adults would have a little more common sense, but apparently not. They allowed their children to disrespect these monuments. The parents should be held accountable.

In another video posted in May 2017, disrespectful visitors to the memorial fountain are informed of their misstep.

The Cartels and Government corruption make it hard for these people to be proud of anything. That’s why they flee their countries and illegally come to ours. This is no excuse though to disrespect our nation’s heroes. We put up these monuments to celebrate their sacrifices, not just to look pretty. If you don’t like our Americans ways then please feel free to flee to some other country. These immigrants don’t have the first clue as to what respect is. It’s disgusting.

The water that serves as the centerpiece of the World War II Memorial on the National Mall can be an inviting site for those looking to beat the heat on these 100-degree days.

But a word of advice: Feel free to sit on the edge and get your feet and ankles wet, but don’t wade in the water.

National Park Service spokesman Bill Line said it is illegal to walk or wade in the water or to splash others in the Rainbow Pool.

“It is also considered to be highly disrespectful to World War II veterans, sadly most of whom are no longer with us,” Line said. “There should be a high level of respect and decorum displayed at all times at the Memorial.”

What is the consequence if you get caught? A park ranger will likely ask you to stop. But if you continue to show a lack of respect — and class — U.S. Park Policemay get involved.

“Each situation is unique, but depending on how the person conducts themselves, officers have discretion and can make an arrest,” Line said.

And don’t even think about taking the pooch for a dip in the pool, either. No pets are allowed at the World War II Memorial — period.

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“The World War II Memorial is not and never has been designed to be a swimming pool,” Line said. It is to commemorate and honor the supreme sacrifice that 16 million people made during World War II.”

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