Trey Gowdy GOES OFF On Adam Schiff Leaks

As Trey Gowdy and Bob Goodlatte call for a second special counsel to investigate the FISA abuse, Gowdy appeared with Fox News’ Bill Hemmer to lay it on the line.

Gowdy responded, “Anyone who’s watched Congress over the last 12 months–we leak like sieves. And I say ‘we’ only because I’m a member of Congress.”

“That’s pretty common for this town however,” Hemmer said.

“It is, but serious investigations don’t leak,” Gowdy responded. “The executive branch investigations, whether its your local district attorney or whether its Bob Mueller–there are far fewer leaks from Bob Mueller than there are from Adam Schiff. So, we don’t have the tools. We don’t have access to a grand jury. We can’t grant immunity, we can’t compel testimony. And–we’re not–we don’t prosecute crime. So, there are 1,000 reasons to let the executive branch or special counsel handle this as opposed to Congress.”

Gowdy said on Fox News Sunday that a second special counsel to investigate the DOJ “may be unavoidable.”

He said, “Congress has proven itself incapable of investigating this FISA abuse. DOJ should not be looking into it. We need an independent arbiter that’s either the inspector general or special counsel.”

As reported by The Federalist:

The memo, which President Trump agreed to declassify Friday, states that the FBI did not tell the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) a lot of crucial information about the dossier it was citing as evidence when the bureau sought a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant to monitor Page

In September 2016, ex-British spy Christopher Steele–who compiled an infamous dossier filled with unfounded claims about President Trump–told Yahoo News about Page’s visit to Moscow. Yahoo News subsequently published a story about this trip.

The FBI then cited this Yahoo News report, sourced entirely by Steele, as evidence in its initial FISA warrant application to corroborate information the ex-British spy compiled in his dossier. The FBI incorrectly asserted to the court in its application that Steele did not provide information to Yahoo News about Page’s Moscow trip.

British court filings, however, show Steele admitted he met with Yahoo News in September 2016, two months before the FBI got its initial warrant, to discuss the trip at the direction of Fusion GPS.

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