Ravidath Ragbir and Jean Montrevil, both prominent figures within the pro-illegal immigration group New Sanctuary Coalition of New York City, were detained and deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement after years of being allowed to stay in the country at the discretion of federal officials — in spite of the fact that both had been convicted of serious crimes.
According to the New York Daily News, Ragbir was detained by ICE on Jan. 11 and informed that his reprieve from deportation would not be extended further.
Ragbir, executive director of New Sanctuary, was checking in at the ICE office in New York City when he was detained. While Ragbir had immigrated to the United States legally back in 1991 from Trinidad and Tobago, he was convicted of wire fraud in 2000, according to The New York Times.
Ragbir received a deportation order in 2006, but in 2011 ICE officials in New York City gave him a reprieve of deportation. That reprieve was extended last April, but ICE officials informed Ragbir that reprieve would not be extended further. A judge will now decide his fate.
One week later, Haitian national Jean Montrevil — a co-founder of New Sanctuary — was deported after being taken into custody in early January. Montrevil, who had entered the United States in 1986, had served time on a drug possession charge and was in the process of appealing a deportation order.
During Barack Obama’s presidency, he did all he could to destroy this nation, and he got pretty darn close to it. Obama not only pushed back race relations decades with his manufactured race war, but he also allowed floods of illegals to pour into our country unvetted and unchecked so they could vote for Democrats in upcoming elections. After years of witnessing this disgusting disregard for our nation’s laws, President Trump is in charge and working hard to fix the mess Obama allowed.