According to the Migration Policy Institute – “In a just-released study of welfare use by U.S. born Americans, naturalized citizens and non-citizen aliens, the Migration Policy Institute found that of the 22 million non-citizens in the country, 10.3 million are on at least one welfare program.
The report said that 54.2 percent of children and teens up to age 17 receive at least one of four major public welfare benefits while its 46.3 percent for those aged 18-54 and 47.8 for older aliens.
By comparison, 32 percent of the U.S. born population of 270 million receive some welfare. Of those, 45.8 percent are children and teens, 30 percent are aged 18-54 and 22.5 percent are age 55 and older.”
According to the Washington Examiner, the report is a warning that the current Trump administration is following through with its campaign promises regarding immigration. New rules are being considered making it significantly more difficult for illegal aliens to receive a green card if they or one of their dependents are receiving Medicaid, cash welfare, food stamps, and/or Social Security benefits.
MPI also revealed the Trump administration is considering changes in the standard for when receipt of public benefits can be used as grounds for the deportation of legally present noncitizens. MPI states of the report significant key findings are:
Based on the experience of the 1990s immigration and welfare reforms, it is reasonable to expect that the rule will discourage millions of immigrants from accessing health, nutrition, and social services. These “chilling effects” are likely to stretch beyond immigrants themselves to affect U.S.-citizen children whose parents may disenroll them from services for fear of immigration consequences.
These impacts are likely to weigh most heavily on states with large immigrant populations and those with inclusive public-benefit policies, such as California and New York. Further estimating the new draft proposed rules could and likely will significantly reshape future legal immigration as it will give the Trump administration as well as that of future administrations broad discretion.