Perhaps jokingly, but Donald Trump recently stated that if he could give his 25-year-old self a piece of advice, it would be to not run for President of the United States.
“Don’t run for president,” Trump said, apparently in jest, as he went on to complain about the media coverage he’s gotten since becoming a candidate.
“All my life, I’ve gotten really — look, we all get a knock. But I got the greatest publicity. I was getting such great until I ran for office,” he said.
He went on to speak about the unfair bias of the mainstream media.
“There’s a lot of fake news out there. Nobody had any idea. I’m proud of the fact that I exposed it to a large extent. We exposed it. It’s an achievement,” Trump said, even as he qualified that he has respect for some journalists.
He also hopes that his “political appeal” can rub off on other Republicans, though he does admit that it might not. he notes the “energy” of the rally recently held in Pennsylvania for Rick Saccone even though he lost despite Trump’s Support.
“I don’t know if it’s transferrable. They say a lot of it is not transferable. They may not like me. They all say I’m going to do great in 2020. You know, let’s see what happens. Right? They don’t know if it’s transferrable. I hope it’s transferrable. We have to do our agenda. We have to win in ’18. We have to get the agenda. We need more Republicans,” he said.
He also predicted as he had before, that House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi‘s “crumbs” comment will become the 2018 equivalent of Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 “deplorables” comment — I think he’s right. It’s still a pretty hot topic even today among Conservatives.
What do you think? Do you think the President said that in jest or do you think he’s hating the negativity constantly flung his way by MSM and liberals?
Well, President Trump, if you ever happen to read this — I support you!