Trump Is Going ‘To Work On’ Erasing Michelle Obama’s Legacy With Great New Plan

Since day one of Trump’s presidency, he has been steadfastly undoing everything the Obama’s imposed on America during their long eight-year reign. It has taken tremendous effort and a stiff spine to continue doing so, but Trump is doing a fantastic job of dismantling the Obama legacy. And he’s done it on many fronts… economic, military, taxes, regulations, education, immigration and the list goes on and on and on. When Obama was in office, media outlets would wax poetic for hours on end over Obamacare or raising taxes. The glory of Marxism was reveled in by the left and Americans were crushed under its weight until President Trump arrived on the scene.

When Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was queried about the media not covering Trump’s more human side on issues, he told a story about his daughter who asked the president when he would make public school lunches great again. President Trump told her he would have “to work on that” problem. And so he did. He studiously went about erasing Michelle Obama’s legacy issue by coming up with a great new plan with some help from Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC).

Students across the nation roundly complained about the awful lunches that former first lady Michelle Obama had mandated to be doled out in school cafeterias. Many just quit eating lunch altogether, which is not healthy for growing kids. I can’t say I blame them though… I wouldn’t have eaten those lunches either.

On Wednesday, at Turning Point USA’s High School Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C., Massie recounted his daughter meeting President Trump and then asking him about a particular campaign promise. She’s 14 years old and had the honor of meeting President Trump at the White House Christmas ball. She asked him, “Mr. President, could you make our school lunches great again?” Massie elaborated on the encounter by saying, “He looked at her — he was actually kind of terrified — here he had a 14-year-old girl pointing out that this — that he had talked about this on the campaign trail, and that it wasn’t done yet. I think that’s what he was worried about.”

“But he did something and he showed a side of himself that you never see in the news,” recalled Massie. “The president said, ‘You know what? I need to work on that, don’t I?’ And then he pointed to me, and he said, ‘But I’m going to have to work with your dad and those guys, because they’re more powerful than I am.’” Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever heard a president besides Reagan who gave credit where it was due like Trump does. I’m impressed.

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