Sometimes I really love how President Trump addresses a crisis. This is one of those times. This morning, he tweeted out a four-word order today to Republicans and anyone getting in the way of immigration reform: “…stop wasting their time…” He’s referring to trying to get bipartisan immigration reform through Congress before the November mid-term elections.
Here’s the complete quote: “Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November. Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades-old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!”
From the Center for Immigration Studies:
“The Ryan bill offers amnesty and a path to citizenship for an estimated 2.2 million direct beneficiaries. This includes an estimated 1.9 million aliens believed to be potentially eligible for the proposed amnesty, which has the same basic qualifying criteria as President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program (arrived in the United States before 2007 while under age 16, continuous presence for at least five years, and present illegally in June, 2012). This population includes those who could have but did not apply for DACA or who were too young to apply.
“The Ryan amnesty also includes a group that is brand new to the amnesty debate: adult sons and daughters of certain guest workers who arrived while younger than 16, who have lived in the United States for 10 years, and who are too old to qualify for green cards or temporary visa renewals. These are adults whose parents were admitted more than 10 years ago as temporary non-immigrants in one of three categories: Treaty Traders/Investors (E category), Specialty Occupations (H-1B), and Intra-company Transferees (L). All of these categories have been controversial because of fraud and/or displacement of American workers. Based on official statistics on the number and ages of temporary visa holders admitted in the relevant years, I estimate that approximately 300,000 aliens could qualify for amnesty in this category.