Trump Reorganizing Executive Branch; Wants Your Input

It’s no secret that Former Pres. Obama didn’t do quite so good a job. In my opinion this probably has a lot to do with just that. Creating a better government on the heels of a let down. POTUS Trump signed an Executive Order on March 13 that will ensure the Fed. is more efficient and accountable to the American people.

This Order gives the Director of the Office of Management and Budget the ability to present POTUS with their plan to reorganize the branch and cut unnecessary agencies.

Honestly, this is a great video, too. It’s very direct and seems genuine in their wanting of the people’s help.

What’s better, he wants to hear the people’s ideas on what we think we can done to lead a better government and Make America Great Again.

The deadline is June 12, so check out the link below.

Reorganizing the Executive Branch: We Need Your Input!

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